These days, few people have not heard of Linux. This open-source operating system was able to open its place among professionals over time and became one of the best operating systems for development thanks to its unique and practical features. In this article, we will introduce the linux cheat sheet, which will create extensive features in Linux.
What is the Linux command cheat sheet?
The command line terminal can be considered a useful option in this operating system, which is considered one of its positive points. Of course, this positive point may cause problems for newcomers because there are so many commands to use in Linux. Therefore, Linux cheat sheet commands may be necessary for beginners and even old users.
linux cheat sheet
Command |
usage |
Ls ls –l ls –a pwd cd file |
All the Files in a directory File with its complete details Files with its directory Files with their directory Change directory location Showing the type of files |
Edit, and Delete in Files and its Directories
mkdir touch cat > file cat file grep nano file vim file rm or rmdir rm –r mv cp rsync |
new directory new, empty file, or update the time Create a new file with the text View the contents of a file contents of a file with a pattern file in the nano text editor file in the vim text editor Remove a file Remove a directory (not empty) Move or rename a file Copy a file or directory changes of one directory to another |
Search for Files and Directories
Locate find |
find a file or directory with cached Search a file or directory based on the name |
Basic Administration
whoami sudo sudo apt install sudo dnf install sudo apt remove sudo dnf remove reboot poweroff |
user is currently logged in a command with root permissions Install a Debian-based package Install a Red Hat package Remove a Debian-based package. Remove a Red Hat package Reboot the system Shut down the system |
Hard Drive and Storage
df or df -h sudo fdisk -l du tree mount and umount |
current storage usage information for all attached storage disk usage of a directory the directory structure for a path Mount and unmount a storage device or ISO file |
Compression Commands
tar cf my_dir.tar my_dir tar cfz my_dir.tar my_dir gzip file tar xf file gunzip file.gz |
uncompressed tar archive a tar archive with gzip Compress a file with gzip Extract any tar archive Decompress a gzip file |
ip a ip r cat /etc/resolv.conf ping traceroute ssh |
Show IP address Show the default gateway in the IP address DNS server’s usage ping request to a network Trace the network Login to a remote device with SSH |
User Management
useradd adduser deluser usermod groupadd delgroup |
Low-level utility for adding a new user High-level utility for adding a new user Delete a user Modify a user Create a new group Delete a group |
System Resource Management
free -m top htop nice renice ps aux OR ps -ef kill or killall kill -9 or killall -9 bg fg |
memory is in use and free list of processes and resource usage human-readable of top new process with a specified priority Change the value of a process all of the running processes Terminate a process a process with SIGKILL signal Send a task to the background Bring a task to the foreground |
Environment Variable
printenv or printenv variable_name whereis and which export MY_SITE="" echo $VARIABLE unset |
environment variables on a Linux where a command in PATH is located Set a temporary environment Display the value of a variable Remove a variable |
Kernel Information and Module Management
uname -a lsmod modinfo module_name modprobe --remove module_name modprobe module_name |
Output kernel version information currently loaded modules information about module Remove a module Load a module into the kernel |
Hardware Information
lspci dmidecode cat /proc/cpuinfo x86info or x86info -a cat /proc/meminfo lshw lshw -C memory -short hwinfo biosdecode dmidecode -s bios-vendor lsusb ls -la /dev/disk/by-id/usb-* hdparm -I /dev/sdx hdparm -tT /dev/sdx wodim --devices |
information about the host bridge information about BIOS Retrieve processor type information about the CPU detailed information about RAM List all hardware components RAM slots used, speed, and size details for all hardware information about the system’s BIOS Retrieve the name of BIOS Get a list of USB devices Retrieve a list of USB device files information about hard drive’s make, speed of an installed hard drive Locate the CD or DVD device file |
Last word
It is difficult to remember all the commands related to Linux. You may remember a particular command over time, but you will always need a list of linux cheat sheets for easy access. This will also save you time. It is not bad to remember two other commands that are very useful. Man command and apropos command are two commands to search for specific commands. You can also use two items as a manual search tool. So, the next time you are confused, it's okay to use our list or search for the desired command yourself. We offer that you buy linux server and you practice.
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