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1Gbits Terms & Conditions

Last Updated: 2023/01/15

1gbits Team

Terms & Conditions

By using 1Gbits services, you automatically accept our Terms & Conditions. Any claims or complaints from the client’s side (in terms of suspension or termination) regarding violation of our Terms & Conditions will be dismissed.

General Terms of Using Services

  • Transmission, distribution or storage of any material in violation of any applicable law or regulation is prohibited, including (but not limited to) material protected by copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property right used without proper authorization and material that is obscene, defamatory, constitutes an illegal threat, or violates export control laws.
  • Sending Unsolicited Bulk Email (“UBE”, “Spam”,”Bulk Email Marketing”). The sending of any form of unsolicited bulk email through 1Gbits’ servers is prohibited. Likewise, the sending of UBE from another service provider advertising a web site, email address or utilizing any resource hosted on 1Gbits’ servers, is prohibited. 1Gbits accounts or services shall not be used to solicit customers from or collect replies to messages sent from another internet service provider where those messages violate this policy or that of the other provider.
  • Running unconfirmed mailing lists. Subscribing email addresses to any mailing list without the express and verifiable permission of the email address owner is prohibited. All mailing lists run by 1Gbits customers must be closed-loop (“Confirmed Opt-in”) and comply to GDPR or applicable data protection law. The subscription confirmation message received from each address owner must be kept on file for the duration of the existence of the mailing list. Purchasing lists of email addresses from 3rd parties for mailing to from any 1Gbits-hosted domain, or referencing any 1Gbits account, is prohibited.
  • Advertising, transmitting, or otherwise enabling any software, program, product, or service that is designed to violate this AUP or the AUP of any other ISP, including (but not limited to) the facilitation of the means to send unsolicited bulk emails, initiation of pinging, flooding, mail-bombing, and denial of service attacks.
  • Any 1Gbits account (client’s submitted email address) will be regarded as a unique account for just one client.

General Terms of Using Services

  • Operating an account on behalf of, or in connection with, or reselling any service to, persons or firms listed in the Spamhaus Register of Known Spam Operations (ROKSO) database at www.spamhaus.org/rokso.
  • Unauthorized attempts by a user to gain access to any account or computer resource not belonging to that user (e.g. “cracking”, “hacking”).
  • Obtaining or attempting to obtain a paid service by any means or device with intent to avoid the payment.
  • Duplicate accounts (one client with different 1Gbits accounts) will be checked by 1Gbits, in case of any suspicious activities they (Duplicate Accounts) will be deleted. Any requests regarding service movements between duplicate 1Gbits accounts should be followed by opening tickets.
  • Unauthorized access, alteration, destruction, or any attempt thereof, of any information of any 1Gbits’ customers or end-users by any means or device
  • Knowingly engaging in any activities designed to harass, or that will cause a denial-of-service (e.g. synchronized number sequence attacks) to any other user whether on the 1Gbits’ network or on another provider’s network.
  • Regarding clients who are intended to use PTR (Reverse DNS), their domain must be initially checked by Abuse Audit Team. Thereupon, the client will be informed on the availability of the service.
  • Using 1Gbits’ services to interfere with the use of the 1Gbits network by other customers or authorized users.

Refund Policies:

Refund requests from clients’ side will be reviewed by the billing department. Clients should open a ticket using “Client Portal” and attach all the payment details (including, transaction ID, invoice number, etc.). The refund process will take 5-10 business days to be finished. Refund policies for each service has been elaborated in each category concerning the 1Gbits’ Services Terms and Conditions.

  • 1Gbits will not accept refunds for different types of cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, CPS, etc.), tokens or digital assets.
  • 1Gbits will not accept any type of refund requests for existing credit balances (wallet) per the client’s profile.

Terms and Conditions of 1Gbits Services:


Abuse Terms:

Linux or Windows VPS

ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) of 1Gbits Virtual Private Server is 30-45 min within the submission time of the service. The login credentials of the VPS is sent to the client’s email address when the server installation process is finished. Client’s requests for Extra IPs should be followed through via ticketing system (Technical Department will check its availability and update the ticket). Any infringement, breach or violation of 1Gbits’ Terms & Conditions will consequently lead to suspension of the VPS. In that case, an explanatory email regarding the suspension is sent to client’s mailbox. For more information please refer to the Abuse Report Terms and Conditions.

Bandwidth Limit Terms:

Fair usage of Bandwidth for VPS services:

1Gbits is providing Bandwidth for all of the VPS services with a defined Limit per plan. In accordance with 1Gbits Terms and Conditions, in case of any Overaged BW usage, service will be suspended permanently unless BW charge fee is paid by end users. The minimum term length for BW rate will be monthly which means each month the BW limit will be refreshed accordingly. For further information about BW fair usage policies you can open a ticket or chat with our Support Team through the Live chat.


Data backups of the VPS services are performed manually by clients. 1Gbits shall not accept any liability regarding clients’ backup data on VPS services.


Refund requests for VPS services will be reviewed by our technical experts. Regarding service technical issues, in the absence of any solution from 1Gbits, clients’ refund requests will be acceptable within 24-48 hours of the service delivery time.


The renewal process for VPS services is done automatically. The related renewal invoice is sent to the client’s email address 10 days prior to the due date. On the due date, the service will be suspended because of overdue payment and the notification emails will be sent to the client’s email address. For up to 5 days the service is kept suspended, however if a renewal payment is not received in the said period of time, automatic termination of service is carried out.

Fair usage of Bandwidth for Dedicated Servers:

The standard fair usage of BW for all of the Dedicated Servers depends on the Location. The Bandwidth Limit for each Dedicated Server plan has already been specified based on configuration and location. The minimum term length for BW rate will be monthly which means each month the BW limit will be refreshed accordingly. In accordance with 1Gbits Terms and Conditions, in case of any Overaged BW usage, service will be suspended permanently unless BW charge fee is paid by end users. For additional BW or unlimited BW request you need to contact Sales Department through the ticketing system/Live chat.

Upgrading/Downgrading Packages

VPS packages (Windows, Linux or hosting VPS) are capable of being upgraded or downgraded among service plans. The immediate upgrade cost is calculated based on the number of days left until the due date for renewal. In the case of a present overdue payment, the upgrade/downgrade feature is disabled until said payment is settled. The upgrade/downgrade process is performed manually by 1Gbits technical experts. According to our Terms, the refunds for downgraded VPS packages are not issued.

Dedicated Server

The estimated delivery time frame for Dedicated Servers is 1-7 business days after the purchase date. Due to the dedicated servers’ time-consuming installation process, clients might encounter latency in the delivery of their service. Regarding this issue, clients will be apprised through the ticketing system. All of the server’s login details will be sent to the client’s email address. The server’s configuration along with additional options such as, control panels, extra IPs, and operating systems are available for customization in the order page. For further information please refer to the following link : https://1gbits.com

Note: Any customized resources for dedicated servers are subject to the data center’s and our technical experts’ decision. For more information, please submit a ticket with the server specifications. Any breaching and infringement issues will be dealt with in accordance with 1Gbits terms, detailed in Abuse Terms & Conditions category.


Renewal Invoices will be sent 10 days prior to the due date and will be repeated in systemic intervals. Any overdue payment will result in the suspension of the server. According to the terms, the specified deadline for renewal of Dedicated Servers is 48 hours before due date of service, after this window, the server will be terminated permanently and any requests for data-recovery shall be rejected.

Exception applies according to the data centers’ policies in Lithuania - Lithuanian dedicated servers are terminated 48 hours past the renewal due date therefore data is unrecoverable after this period.

Refund Policies:

1Gbits doesn’t accept refunds for any types of dedicated servers, except for cases of technical issues which cannot be addressed from our side (1Gbits).


There are not any options appertaining to automatic backup programs for dedicated servers. With reference to the Terms, 1Gbits shall not accept any liability for dedicated server backups, data loss and other issues caused by manual backups performed by clients.

Upgrade / Downgrade Packages :

Due to the dedicated resources of the server, the upgrade/downgrade options are not possible to be achieved. Any queries for changing the servers’ resources will be rejected by 1Gbits.