Nmap, or Network Mapper, was published by Gordon Lyon in September 1997 in the Phrack Magazine with the source code included. With the efforts of the different computer security communities, its development continued. Nmap is generally used to discover computer hosts and services by sending and analysing packets. Nmap is designed to scan large networks more efficiently. You can also use it for scanning a single host.

Nmap's Features

  • Host discovery and identification
  • Version detection
  • Network and port scanning
  • Timing and performance
  • Nmap Scripting Engine (NSE)
  • Scanning web servers
  • Scanning mail servers
  • Scanning databases
  • ICS/SCADA systems
  • Generating reports

Nmap Cheat Sheet 

As software engineers, we always search for the best tools and guides to be more productive. Having all this information as a quick reference is also more convenient.

This is why we've provided you with this Nmap cheat sheet — to make you the master of Nmap. Or as close to it as possible. The following paragraphs explain the use of each command with examples.

Target Specification

The functions and syntaxes below teach you everything related to target host specification. As for the meaning of target host specification, every command line is not an option/option argument.

Function: Scan a single IP.

Example: nmap

Function: Scan specific IPS.

Example: nmap

Function: Scan a range.

Example: nmap

Function: Scan a domain.

Example: nmap scanme.nmap.org

Function: Scan using CIDR notation.

Example: nmap

Function: Scan targets from a file.

Example:  nmap -iL targets.txt

Switch: -iL

Function: Scan 100 random hosts.

Example:  nmap -iR 100

Switch: -iR

Function: Exclude listed hosts.

Example: nmap –exclude

Switch: –exclude

Nmap Scan Techniques

Nmap supports many scanning techniques and allows network system administrators to scan networks and find available hosts.

Function: TCP SYN port scan (Default).

Example: nmap -sS

Switch: -sS

Function: TCP connects port scan (Default without root privilege).

Example:  nmap -sT

Switch: -sT

Function: UDP port scan.

Example: nmap -sU

Switch: -sU

Function: TCP ACK port scan.

Example: nmap -sA

Switch: -sA

Function: TCP Window port scan.

Example: nmap -sW

Switch: -sW

Function: TCP Maimon port scan.

Example: nmap -sM

Switch: -sM

Host Discovery

Hot discovery is a common task among administrators and is sometimes called Ping Scanning. And now, Nmap provides you with a wide arrangement of ping sweep options using unique scanning techniques and protocols.

Function: No Scan. List targets only.

Example: nmap -sL

Switch: -sL

Function: Disable port scanning. Host discovery only.

Example: nmap -snCopied

Switch: -sn

Function: Disable host discovery. Port scan only.

Example: nmap -PnCopied

Switch: -Pn

Function: TCP SYN discovery on port x. Port 80 by default.

Example: nmap -PS22-25,80

Switch: -PS

Function: TCP ACK discovery on port x. Port 80 by default.

Example: nmap -PA22-25,80

Switch: -PA

Function: UDP discovery on port x. Port 40125 by default.

Example: nmap -PU53

Switch: -PU

Function: ARP discovery on the local network.

Example: nmap -PR

Switch: -PR

Function: Never perform a DNS resolution.

Example: nmap -n

Switch: -n

Port Specification

Combining some of the switches and techniques gives you better insight into hosts potentially protected by defense mechanisms.

Function: Port scan for port x

Example: nmap -p 21

Switch: -p

Function: Port range

Example: nmap -p 21-100

Switch: -p

Function: Port scan multiple TCP and UDP ports

Example: nmap -p U:53,T:21-25,80

Switch: -p

Function: Port scan all ports

Example: nmap -p-

Switch: -p

Function: Port scan from service name

Example: nmap -p http,https

Switch: -p

Function: Fast port scan (100 ports)

Example: nmap -F

Switch: -F

Function: Port scan the top x ports

Example: nmap –top-ports 2000

Switch: –top-ports

Function: Leaving off the initial port in range makes the scan start at port 1

Example: nmap -p-65535

Switch: -p-65535

Function: Leaving off end port in range makes the scan go through to port 65535

Example: nmap -p0-

Switch: -p0-

Service and Version Detection

Knowing the exact version of a specific software or service running on the endpoint can prove extremely valuable in identifying potential vulnerabilities.

Function: Attempts to determine the version of the service running on the port.

Example: nmap -sV

Switch: -sV

Function: Intensity level 0 to 9. A higher number increases the possibility of correctness.

Example: nmap -sV –version-intensity 8

Switch: -sV –version-intensity

Function: Enable light mode. Lower possibility of correctness, faster.

Example: nmap -sV –version-light

Switch: -sV –version-light

Function: Enable intensity level 9. Higher possibility of correctness, Slower.

Example: nmap -sV –version-all

Switch: -sV –version-all

Function: Enables OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute.

Example: nmap -A

Switch: -A

OS Detection

One of Nmap's well-known features is remote OS detection using TCP/IP stack fingerprinting.

Function: Remote OS detection using TCP/IP stack fingerprinting.

Example: nmap -O

Switch: -O

Function: If at least one open and one closed TCP port are not found, it wouldn't perform an OS detection against the host.

Example: nmap -O –osscan-limit

Switch: -O –osscan-limit

Function: Makes Nmap guess more aggressively.

Example: nmap -O –osscan-guess

Switch: -O –osscan-guess

Function: Set the maximum number x of OS detection tries against a target.

Example: nmap -O –max-os-tries 1

Switch: -O –max-os-tries

Function: Enables OS detection, version detection, script scanning, and traceroute.

Example: nmap -A

Switch: -A

Timing and Performance

As you know, performance plays an important role. So, optimizing scanning via specific timing configurations and parameters can increasingly improve both performance and accuracy should network congestion.

Function: Paranoid (0) Intrusion Detection System evasion.

Example: nmap -T0

Switch: -T0

Function: Sneaky (1) Intrusion Detection System evasion.

Example: nmap -T1

Switch: -T1

Function: Polite (2) slows the scan to use less bandwidth and fewer target machine resources.

Example: nmap -T2

Switch: -T2

Function: Normal (3), which is the default speed.

Example: nmap -T3

Switch: -T3

Function: Aggressive (4) speed scans; assumes you are on a reasonably fast and reliable network.

Example: nmap -T4

Switch: -T4

Function: Insane (5) speed scan; assumes you are on an extraordinarily fast network.

Example: nmap -T5

Switch: -T5

Timing and Performance Switches

Function: Give up on target after this long.

Example input: 1s; 4m; 2h

Switch: –host-timeout <time>

Function: Specifies probe round trip time.

Example input: 1s; 4m; 2h

Switch: –min-rtt-timeout/max-rtt-timeout/initial-rtt-timeout <time>

Function: Parallel host scan group sizes.

Example input: 50; 1024

Switch: –min-hostgroup/max-hostgroup <size<size>

Function: Probe parallelization.

Example input: 10; 1

Switch: –min-parallelism/max-parallelism <numprobes>

Function: Specify the maximum number of port scan probe retransmissions.

Example input: 3

Switch: –max-retries <tries>

Function: Send packets no slower than <number> per second.

Example input: 100

Switch: –min-rate <number>

Function: Send packets no faster than <number> per second.

Example input: 100

Switch: –max-rate <number>

NSE Scripts

NSE stands for Nmap Scripting Engine, published during Google's 2007 summer of code. NSE allows you to write a simple script to automate various networking tasks.

Function: Scan with default NSE scripts. Considered useful for discovery and safe.

Example: nmap -sC

Switch: -sC

Function: Scan with default NSE scripts. Considered useful for discovery and safe.

Example: nmap –script default

Switch: –script default

Function: Scan with a single script—example banner.

Example: nmap –script=banner

Switch: –script

Function: Scan with a wildcard. Example HTTP.

Example: nmap –script=http*

Switch: –script

Function: Scan with two scripts: example, HTTP and banner.

Example: nmap –script=http,banner

Switch: –script

Function: Scan default, but remove intrusive scripts.

Example: nmap –script "not intrusive"

Switch: –script

Function: NSE script with arguments.

Example: nmap –script snmp-sysdescr –script-args snmpcommunity=admin

Switch: –script-args

Useful NSE Script Examples

Function: HTTP site map generator.

Command: nmap -Pn –script=http-sitemap-generator scanme.nmap.org

Function: Fast search for random web servers.

Command: nmap -n -Pn -p 80 –open -sV -vvv –script banner,http-title -iR 1000

Function: Brute forces DNS hostnames to guess subdomains.

Command: nmap -Pn –script=dns-brute domain.com

Function: Safe SMB scripts to run.

Command: nmap -n -Pn -vv -O -sV –script smb-enum*,smb-ls,smb-mbenum,smb-os-discovery,smb-s*,smb-vuln*,smbv2* -vv

Function: Whois query.

Command: nmap –script whois* domain.comCopied

Function: Detect cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.

Command: nmap -p80 –script http-unsafe-output-escaping scanme.nmap.org

Function: Check for SQL injections.

Command: nmap -p80 –script http-sql-injection scanme.nmap.org

Firewall / IDS Evasion and Spoofing

As a penetration tester, you need to know how to avoid firewall rules that are in place and identify information about a host.

Function: Requested scans (including ping scans) use tiny fragmented IP packets. Harder for packet filters.

Example: nmap -f

Switch: -f

Function: Set your offset size.

Example: nmap –mtu 32

Switch: –mtu

Function: Send scans from spoofed IPs.

Example: nmap -D,,,

Switch: -D

Function: Scan Facebook from Microsoft (-e eth0 -Pn may be required).

Example: nmap -S www.microsoft.com www.facebook.com

Switch: -S

Function: Use the given source port number.

Example: nmap -g 53

Switch: -g

Function: Relay connections through HTTP/SOCKS4 proxies.

Example: nmap –proxies,

Switch: –proxies

Function: Appends random data to send packets.

Example: nmap –data-length 200

Switch: –data-length


Function: Normal output to the file normal.

Example: nmap -oN normal.file

Switch: -oN

Function: XML output to the file XML.

Example: nmap -oX xml.file

Switch: -oX

Function: Grepable output to the file grep.

Example: nmap -oG grep.file

Switch: -oG

Function: Output in the three major formats at once.

Example: nmap -oA results

Switch: -oA

Function: Grepable output to screen. -oN -, -oX – also usable.

Example: nmap -oG –

Switch: -oG –

Function: Append a scan to a previous scan file.

Example: nmap -oN file.file –append-output

Switch: –append-output

Function: Increase verbosity (use -vv or more for greater effect).

Example: nmap -v

Switch: -v

Function: Increase debugging level (use -dd or more for greater effect).

Example: nmap -d

Switch: -d

Function: Display the reason a port is in a particular state, same output as -vv.

Example: nmap –reason

Switch: –reason

Function: Only show open (or possibly open) ports.

Example: nmap –open

Switch: –open

Function: Show all packets sent and received.

Example: nmap -T4 –packet-trace

Switch: –packet-trace

Function: Shows the host interfaces and routes.

Example: nmap –iflist

Switch: –iflist

Function: Resume a scan.

Example: nmap –resume results.file

Switch: –resume

Helpful Nmap Output examples

Function: Scan for web servers and grep to show which IPs are running web servers.

Command: nmap -p80 -sV -oG – –open | grep open

Function: Generate a list of the IPs of live hosts.

Command: nmap -iR 10 -n -oX out.xml | grep "Nmap" | cut -d"" -f5 > live-hosts.txt

Function: Append IP to the list of live hosts.

Command: nmap -iR 10 -n -oX out2.xml | grep “Nmap” | cut -d ” ” -f5 >> live-hosts.txt

Function: Compare output from Nmap using the ndif.

Command: ndiff scanl.xml scan2.xml

Function: Convert Nmap XML files to HTML files.

Command: xsltproc nmap.xml -o nmap.html

Function: Reverse sorted list of how often ports turn up.

Command: grep ” open ” results.nmap | sed -r ‘s/ +/ /g’ | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | less

Miscellaneous Nmap Flags

Function: Enable IPv6 scanning.

Example: nmap -6 2607:f0d0:1002:51::4

Switch: -6

Function: Nmap help screen.

Example: nmap -h

Switch: -h

Other Useful Nmap Commands

Function: Discovery only on ports x, no port scan.

Command: nmap -iR 10 -PS22-25,80,113,1050,35000 -v -sn

Function: Arp discovery only on the local network, no port scan.

Command: nmap -PR -sn -vv

Function: Traceroute to random targets, no port scan.

Command: nmap -iR 10 -sn -traceroute

Function: Query the Internal DNS for hosts, list targets only.

Command: nmap -sL –dns-server


Network Mapper, commonly known as Nmap, is a product of Gordon Lyon, published in 1997. Because of how efficient it made scanning large networks to be, different computer security groups helped its development.

The features of Nmap include version detection, scanning databases and web servers, and generating reports. As for Nmap’s uses, you can perform target and port specifications, timing and performance switches, and more.

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