In this post, we're exploring the essential topic of "how to change Linux DNS," providing you with a comprehensive exploration of the step-by-step process to customize and optimize your DNS settings. Linux, with its powerful capabilities and flexibility, offers users the ability to customize various aspects of their system. One such crucial aspect is the Domain Name System (DNS), which plays a pivotal role in translating human-friendly domain names into IP addresses. If you're looking to enhance your Linux experience by changing DNS settings, you're in the right place. In this guide, we'll walk through the process of Linux how to change DNS server and Linux how to change DNS IP address, covering different scenarios and distributions like a change DNS in Ubuntu.

If you're working with CentOS 7, we also have a step-by-step walkthrough on Install DNS (Bind) on CentOS 7. These resources provide in-depth instructions to seamlessly set up and configure BIND on your preferred Linux distribution.


How to Change Linux DNS

How to Change Linux DNS

Changing the DNS on your Linux system is a straightforward process. Follow these steps to navigate through the maze of network configurations and make the switch seamlessly:

  • Open the Terminal

Let's kick things off by opening the terminal. You can think of the terminal as your command center, where you wield the power to make impactful changes to your Linux environment. Access it by pressing `Ctrl + Alt + T` or searching for "Terminal" in your application menu.

  • Edit the Network Configuration File

Once in the terminal, you'll want to edit the network configuration file. Use your preferred text editor, such as Nano or Vim, and open the file located at `/etc/network/interfaces`.

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

  • Locate the DNS Configuration

Within the configuration file, you'll find lines related to DNS settings. These might look like:


Replace the existing DNS addresses with the ones you prefer. For instance, Google's public DNS servers are and

  • Save and Exit

After making the necessary changes, save the file and exit the text editor. In Nano, you can do this by pressing `Ctrl + X`, then `Y` to confirm the changes, and finally `Enter` to exit.

  • Restart the Networking Service

To apply the changes, restart the networking service using the following command:

sudo service networking restart

Congratulations! You've successfully changed the DNS on your Linux system. Now, let's explore more specific scenarios.


How to Change DNS IP in Linux

How to change DNS IP address in linux? If you're looking to change the DNS IP address without delving into the configuration files, here's a quicker method using the `systemd-resolve` command:

  • Open the Terminal

Access the terminal using the previously mentioned shortcut or through your application menu.

  • Execute the systemd-resolve Command

To set a new DNS server, use the following command:

sudo systemd-resolve --set-dns=YOUR_DNS_IP

Replace `YOUR_DNS_IP` with the IP address of your desired DNS server.

  • Verify the Changes

Confirm that the changes took effect by running:

systemd-resolve --status

This will display the current DNS configuration.


How to Change DNS Server in Kali Linux

How to Change DNS Server in Kali Linux

How to change DNS Kali Linux? Kali Linux, a popular choice for penetration testing, has a slightly different process for changing DNS servers:

  • Open the Network Settings

Navigate to the network settings by clicking on the network icon in the system tray.

  • Edit the Wired Connection

Locate your wired connection, right-click, and select "Edit Connections.

  • Update the DNS Configuration

In the "IPv4 Settings" tab, switch the method to "Automatic (DHCP) addresses only." Here, you can add your preferred DNS server addresses.

  • Save and Apply

Save the changes and close the window. The new DNS settings will take effect immediately.


How to Change DNS Port Number in Linux

Sometimes, you may want to customize the DNS port number. Here's how you can do it:

  • Open the Terminal

Access the terminal as we did in the first section.

  • Edit the Resolve Configuration

Edit the `systemd-resolved` configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

  • Modify the DNS Port

Look for the line that begins with `DNS=` and add your desired port, for example:


  • Save and Exit

Save the changes and exit the text editor.

  • Restart systemd-resolved

Restart the `systemd-resolved` service:

sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved

Your DNS server will now operate on the specified port.


How to Change DNS in SUSE Linux

SUSE Linux, known for its reliability, allows users to configure DNS settings through the Yast Control Center:

  • Open Yast Control Center

Launch Yast by entering the following command in the terminal:

sudo yast2

  • Navigate to Network Settings

In the Yast Control Center, select "Network Settings."

  • Edit DNS Configuration

Navigate to the "DNS and Hostname" tab and input your desired DNS server addresses.

  • Save and Exit

Save the changes, exit Yast, and restart your network for the changes to take effect.


How to Change DNS Server in Red Hat Linux

Red Hat Linux, a stalwart in the world of enterprise Linux, allows users to manage DNS settings through the Network Manager:

  • Open Network Manager

Access the Network Manager by clicking on the network icon in the system tray.

  • Edit Connections

Choose "Edit Connections" from the dropdown menu.

  • Update DNS Settings

Select your connection, go to the "IPv4 Settings" tab, and enter your preferred DNS server addresses.

  • Save and Reconnect

Save the changes, close the window, and reconnect to the network to apply the new DNS settings.


How to Change DNS TTL in Linux

The Time-to-Live (TTL) value in DNS settings determines the lifespan of cached information. To adjust the DNS TTL in Linux, follow these steps:

  • Open the Terminal

Launch the terminal using the keyboard shortcut `Ctrl + Alt + T` or through your application menu.

  • Edit the Resolve Configuration

Use your preferred text editor to open the `systemd-resolved` configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

  • Modify the DNS TTL

Locate the line starting with `Cache`, and add or modify the TTL value to your preference:



Replace `YOUR_TTL_VALUE` with the desired TTL duration in seconds.

  • Save and Exit

Save the changes and exit the text editor.

  • Restart systemd-resolved

Restart the `systemd-resolved` service to apply the new TTL settings:

sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved

Your DNS TTL in Linux is now adjusted according to your specifications.


How to Change DNS Server IP Address in Linux

When you need to switch to a different DNS server with a new IP address, here's a quick guide:

  • Open the Terminal

Access the terminal using the keyboard shortcut or through your application menu.

  • Edit the Network Configuration File

Open the network configuration file using a text editor like Nano or Vim:

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

  • Update DNS Server IP

Locate the line with `dns-nameservers` and replace the existing IP addresses with those of your preferred DNS server.

  • Save and Exit

Save the changes and exit the text editor.

  • Restart the Networking Service

Restart the networking service to apply the new DNS server IP address:

sudo service networking restart

Your Linux system is now using the updated DNS server IP.


How to Change DNS Arch Linux

How to change DNS in arch Linux? Arch Linux, known for its simplicity and user-centric approach, allows for easy DNS configuration:

  • Open the Terminal

Access the terminal as usual.

  • Edit the Resolve Configuration

Edit the `systemd-resolved` configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

  • Modify DNS Settings

Adjust the DNS settings as needed, following the format:


Replace `YOUR_DNS_SERVER_IP` with the IP address of your preferred DNS server.

  • Save and Exit

Save the changes and exit the text editor.

  • Restart systemd-resolved

Restart the `systemd-resolved` service to apply the changes:

sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved

Your DNS settings in Arch Linux are now successfully updated.


How to Change DNS on Linux Mint

How to change DNS in Linux mint? Linux Mint, a user-friendly distribution, simplifies the process of changing DNS settings:

  • Open Network Connections

Click on the network icon in the system tray and choose "Network Connections."

  • Edit Wired Connection

Locate your wired connection, right-click, and select "Edit Connections."

  • Update DNS Configuration

In the "IPv4 Settings" tab, switch the method to "Automatic (DHCP) addresses only" and enter your desired DNS server addresses.

  • Save and Apply

Save the changes and close the window. The new DNS settings will take effect immediately.


How to Change DNS Address in Linux

How to Change DNS Address in Linux

For a general guide on modifying DNS addresses in Linux, consider the following steps:

  • Open the Terminal

Access the terminal using the keyboard shortcut or through your application menu.

  • Edit the Resolve Configuration

Edit the `systemd-resolved` configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

  • Modify DNS Address

Adjust the DNS address as needed:


Replace `YOUR_DNS_SERVER_IP` with the IP address of your preferred DNS server.

  • Save and Exit

Save the changes and exit the text editor.

  • Restart systemd-resolved

Restart the `systemd-resolved` service to apply the changes:

sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved

Your Linux system now uses the updated DNS address.


Change DNS in Linux Mint

If you're specifically using Linux Mint, follow these simplified steps to change your DNS:

  • Open Network Settings

Access the network settings by clicking on the network icon in the system tray.

  • Edit Connection

Right-click on your connection and choose "Edit Connections."

  • Update DNS Configuration

In the "IPv4 Settings" tab, select "Automatic (DHCP) addresses only" and input your desired DNS server addresses.

  • Save and Apply

Save the changes and close the window. Your Linux Mint system now operates with the new DNS configuration.


Change Local DNS Linux

Customizing the local DNS on your Linux system is essential for efficient networking. Follow these steps to make changes to your local DNS settings and master the art of how to change Linux DNS:

  • Open the Terminal

Launch the terminal using the keyboard shortcut `Ctrl + Alt + T` or through your application menu.

  • Edit the hosts File

Use a text editor to open the `/etc/hosts` file:

sudo nano /etc/hosts

  • Modify Local DNS Entries

Within the file, you'll find IP addresses associated with hostnames. Edit these entries according to your preferences.

  • Save and Exit

Save the changes and exit the text editor.

  • Clear DNS Cache

To ensure the changes take effect, clear the DNS cache:

sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches


How to Change DNS in Linux Command Line

How to change DNS Linux command line? Changing DNS settings via the command line in Linux is a quick and efficient process. Follow these steps and become adept at how to change Linux DNS:

  • Open the Terminal

Access the terminal using the keyboard shortcut or through your application menu.

  • Use the nmcli Command

To change DNS settings, use the `nmcli` command:

sudo nmcli con mod YOUR_CONNECTION_NAME ipv4.dns "YOUR_DNS_SERVER_IP"

Replace `YOUR_CONNECTION_NAME` with the name of your connection and `"YOUR_DNS_SERVER_IP"` with the IP address of your preferred DNS server.

  • Apply Changes

Apply the changes by restarting the network manager:

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

Change DNS in Linux Ubuntu

How to change DNS Linux Ubuntu? Ubuntu, one of the most popular Linux distributions, simplifies the process of changing DNS settings. Follow these steps to become proficient in how to change Linux DNS on Ubuntu:

  • Open Network Settings

Click on the network icon in the system tray and choose "Network Settings."

  • Edit Connection

Right-click on your connection and select "Edit Connections."

  • Update DNS Configuration

In the "IPv4 Settings" tab, switch the method to "Automatic (DHCP) addresses only" and enter your desired DNS server addresses.

  • Save and Apply

Save the changes and close the window. Your Ubuntu system now operates with the new DNS configuration, underscoring the simplicity of how to change Linux DNS on this widely-used distribution.

For a detailed guide on installing BIND (DNS) on Ubuntu, check out our comprehensive tutorial on How To Install BIND (DNS) on Ubuntu.


How to Change DNS Configuration in Linux

For a more comprehensive approach to DNS configuration in Linux, follow these steps:

  • Open the Terminal

Access the terminal using the keyboard shortcut or through your application menu.

  • Edit the Resolve Configuration

Edit the `systemd-resolved` configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

  • Modify DNS Settings

Adjust the DNS settings as needed:


Replace `YOUR_DNS_SERVER_IP` with the IP address of your preferred DNS server.

  • Save and Exit

Save the changes and exit the text editor.

  • Restart systemd-resolved

Restart the `systemd-resolved` service to apply the changes:

sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved

Your Linux system now uses the updated DNS configuration.


How to Change DNS Domain Name in Linux

Modifying the DNS domain name in Linux involves adjusting the search domain settings. Follow these steps:

  • Open the Terminal

Access the terminal using the keyboard shortcut or through your application menu.

  • Edit the Resolve Configuration

Edit the `systemd-resolved` configuration file:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

  • Modify DNS Domain Name

Look for the line that begins with `Domains=` and add your desired domain:

Replace `` with your preferred DNS domain.

  • Save and Exit

Save the changes and exit the text editor.

  • Restart systemd-resolved

Restart the `systemd-resolved` service:

sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved

Your Linux system now uses the updated DNS domain name.


How to Change DNS Hostname in Linux

Customizing the DNS hostname in Linux involves adjusting the `/etc/hostname` file. Follow these steps:

  • Open the Terminal

Access the terminal using the keyboard shortcut or through your application menu.

  • Edit the Hostname File

Use a text editor to open the `/etc/hostname` file:

sudo nano /etc/hostname

  • Modify Hostname

Replace the existing hostname with your desired one.

  • Save and Exit

Save the changes and exit the text editor.

  • Reboot

To apply the new hostname, reboot your Linux system:

sudo reboot

Your Linux system now operates with the updated DNS hostname.

Final Words

In conclusion, mastering the art of “How to change Linux DNS” empowers users to tailor their systems to exact specifications, enhancing both performance and security. From adjusting local DNS for efficient networking to utilizing the command line for quick changes, this comprehensive guide has illuminated the diverse pathways available. Whether you're navigating the user-friendly Ubuntu or exploring the flexibility of Arch Linux, each distribution provides unique methods on how to change Linux DNS. Delving into nuances like TTL, server IP addresses, domain names, and hostnames ensures a holistic understanding of the subject. As you embark on the journey of Linux DNS customization, whether on a personal computer or a [Linux VPS], remember that these steps not only provide a personalized touch to your system but also contribute to a more seamless and efficient computing experience. Happy tinkering and exploring the vast landscape of Linux networking!