Chances are, you're well-acquainted with the concept of the best Linux VPS, but have you ever paused to consider its myriad advantages? Envision has your very own virtual server, strategically located, boasting hardware capabilities surpassing your home computer's, and all running on a Linux operating system. Intrigued? You should be!

In today's digital landscape, countless hosting providers vie for your attention, each touting their Linux VPS plans. It's easy to feel overwhelmed amidst the sea of options. But fear not, for we've delved into the depths of this realm to unveil the Best Linux VPS hosting.

Before we embark on this journey, let's first grasp the essence of Linux VPS and what these providers bring to the table. Join us as we unravel the world of the best linux vps solutions, where performance, features, and affordability converge to redefine your hosting experience.


Linux VPS: what is it?

Linux VPS what is it

Enter the world of Linux VPS hosting, where the best Linux VPS harnesses the power of Linux as its operating system. Operating systems play a pivotal role in server operations, facilitating seamless communication, resource allocation, and input/output management for every application request.

For businesses of all sizes, the best Linux VPS emerges as a beacon of convenience, offering unparalleled flexibility and cost-effective plans. What sets the best Linux VPS apart is its open-source nature and remarkable adaptability, rendering it a prime candidate for VPS web hosting.

Furthermore, Linux distributions boast remarkable lightweight characteristics compared to their Windows counterparts. This efficiency not only optimizes the best Linux VPS's RAM and storage but also ensures a smoother hosting experience, unleashing the true potential of your virtual server environment.


Why Use Linux VPS Hosting?

Think of the best Linux VPS hosting as a secure and affordable alternative to dedicated servers. It uses virtualization to create multiple virtual servers from one physical machine, allowing businesses to customize their hosting environment without breaking the bank.

Unlike shared hosting, each client gets their own isolated space on the best Linux VPS, ensuring data security and improved performance. Additionally, reputable Linux VPS providers offer automatic software updates and security patches, keeping your digital assets protected from evolving threats.

In simpler terms, the best Linux VPS offers businesses the power and security of a dedicated server at a fraction of the cost.


Choosing the Best Linux VPS Hosting in 2024: How Do You Do It?

Choosing the Best Linux VPS Hosting in 2024

As you embark on the quest to find the ultimate Linux VPS hosting provider, the question undoubtedly arises: what key features wield the most influence in this selection process? Fear not, for we present to you a compendium of critical considerations to illuminate your path towards selecting the perfect VPS hosting sanctuary for your website.

Capacity of RAM

 While 512MB of RAM is the bare minimum to navigate basic tasks, the best Linux VPS providers offer more capacity. They provide you with a customizable pool of memory to suit your specific needs, ensuring your website can handle even unexpected spikes in traffic. Think of it as a buffer zone, protecting your website from performance issues during busy periods. Ample RAM means you're not just prepared, you're empowered to thrive in the dynamic digital world.

Assuring server uptime

While no company can promise flawless server uptime, a reputable Linux VPS service provider steps up when issues arise, swiftly addressing any disruptions. It's wise to choose a provider guaranteeing over 99% server uptime, ensuring your website remains operational for extended periods.

Money-Back Guarantee

Ever worry you might get stuck with a VPS that doesn't deliver? The best Linux VPS providers offer money-back guarantees, reflecting their confidence in delivering exceptional service and powerful server performance. This means you can explore their offerings risk-free, knowing you can get a refund if it doesn't meet your needs.

Reliability and Security

 Data breaches can have devastating consequences, especially for e-commerce businesses handling sensitive financial information. That's why choosing the best Linux VPS provider that guarantees consistent reliability and robust security is crucial. Look for providers that offer:

·         Uptime guarantees:

Minimizes website downtime, ensuring customer access and uninterrupted transactions.

·         Data security measures

Encryption, firewalls, and regular security updates to safeguard your data.

·         Compliance with regulations

 Meets industry standards for data protection, especially for financial data. By prioritizing security with your best Linux VPS provider, you can ensure your business operates seamlessly and protects your customers' sensitive information.

Having root access

With root access on your best Linux VPS, you hold the keys to the kingdom. This unrestricted access empowers you to:

·         Run scripts and use SSH

Automate tasks and securely manage your server through the command line.

Implement full command and automation control: Customize your server environment and perform advanced technical tasks without restrictions. Think of it as having complete control over your digital space, akin to your own personal computer. While root access allows for complete control, it also carries inherent security risks. It's crucial to use this power responsibly and implement strong security measures to avoid compromising your VPS.

24/7 Customer Support

Top-notch Linux VPS providers understand that reliable support is vital. They offer 24/7 access to expert technicians who can guide you through any issue, big or small. Whether you need step-by-step troubleshooting or just some expert advice, they're there to help you navigate your VPS server with ease. By prioritizing responsive and knowledgeable support, they ensure you get the assistance you need, every step of the way.


As your business thrives, its needs evolve too. That's why a scalable Linux VPS hosting solution is essential. Look for a provider who can seamlessly adapt their services to match your expanding needs. This ensures your customers experience consistent performance even as your company grows, allowing you to deliver immediate solutions without worrying about infrastructure limitations.

VPS Location

Where your server resides matters. Choosing a Linux VPS provider located near your target audience can offer several benefits:

·         Improved SEO

Search engines often consider server location for ranking, so a closer server can potentially enhance your website's visibility.

·         Faster speeds

Reduced physical distance between your server and users translates to faster loading times and a smoother user experience.

·         Enhanced user experience

 Lower latency (response time) means faster interactions for your users, which is critical for maintaining engagement. To maximize these advantages, consider using web analytics tools to identify your core audience location. This information can guide you in selecting a VPS provider with servers strategically positioned near your target audience, bringing your service closer to your users and fostering a better overall experience.

In next we introduce top 10 best vps hosting, and the best linux vps.


the best linux vps 2024

Here's a list of the10 Best  Linux VPS hosting providers in 2024. To buy Linux VPS, you can refer to the linux VPS page.

1.      1Gibts Linux VPS

1Gbits is the best linux vps provider. Craving a cloud-based Linux VPS that speaks your language? 1Gbits might be the answer you seek. Their vast server network, boasting presence in over 20 strategic locations, provides flexibility and potential performance benefits for various users.1Gbits In addition to the mentioned, the following advantages are also provided:

·         Full Root Access;

·         99.95% Uptime;

·         Linux Distro Variety;

·         Pre-Installed OS;

At 1Gbits, we prioritize your success. That's why we offer instant setup and pre-installed Linux distributions of your choice for our Linux VPS plans. This ensures a smooth and efficient onboarding experience.

Unleash peak performance with our state-of-the-art infrastructure, featuring ultrafast connections, SSD storage, advanced DDR4 RAM, and a robust 10Gbps network. We even offer scalable bandwidth packages to accommodate your growing needs.

1Gbits optimizes its cloud-based VPS infrastructure to deliver superior performance, flexibility, and scalability. This translates to reliable and efficient operation for your business, all at affordable prices.

Enjoy ultimate convenience with our Pay as You Go billing model, allowing you to tailor your spending to your usage. Additionally, you'll have complete control over your servers with full root access and an industry-leading 99.95% uptime guarantee across all Linux VPS plans.

2.      DigitalOcean Linux VPS

igitalOcean Linux VPS

DigitalOcean is one of the best cheap linux vps, cheapest linux vps and offers a user-friendly interface for server management with one-click options. They boast clear and consistent pricing structures, allowing you to easily understand their costs. However, it's important to compare various providers to ensure you're getting the best value for your specific needs. While DigitalOcean offers features like convenient server management and transparent pricing, some users may find their base plans priced higher than alternative solutions. Additionally, some users might find the website navigation less intuitive compared to other providers.


·         Continuous surveillance of droplets;

·         Functionality for managing teams;

·         Round-the-clock customer assistance;


·         High costs;

·         Unclear website layout and plan structures;

·         Extra fees for backup services;

Features & Advantages


Digita Ocean

Available Locations


+20 location

8 location

24/7 Support

Root Access


It has this feature

It has this feature

It has this feature

It has this feature

Payment Methods


Credit Cards




American Express




Credit Cards






3.      HostGator Linux VPS

HostGator is one of the linux vps best practices, cheap vps hosting and offers a user-friendly platform, catering to both beginners and experienced users. However, it's essential to consider all aspects before making a decision. While HostGator boasts ease of use, their pricing structure might be higher than some alternatives. Additionally, their money-back guarantee policy and the potential complexity of setting up SSH and remote access for beginners should be factored into your decision-making process.


·         Complete administrative control;

·         User-friendly;


·         Expensive prices;

·         No money-back guarantee;

Features & Advantages



Available Locations


+20 Location

4 Location

24/7 Support


It has this feature

It has this feature

Root Access


It has this feature


It has this feature

Payment Methods


Credit Cards




American Express




Credit Cards




4.       Vultr Linux VPS

Vultr is best linux vps hosting provider, Best linux vps free and offers a wide range of VPS plans, which can be overwhelming if you're simply looking for a basic Linux VPS. While this variety caters to diverse user needs, it might require more effort to navigate their options compared to providers with simpler plan structures. Additionally, their pricing is tiered, meaning costs can vary significantly depending on your specific requirements, with some higher-tier plans reaching costs like $14,000 per month. It's also important to note that Vultr doesn't offer money-back guarantees.

Therefore, if you're a beginner seeking a straightforward and  free linux vps basic Linux VPS, Vultr might not be the most suitable option. Consider providers offering simpler plan structures, clearer pricing, and potential money-back guarantees to ease the selection process and potentially find better value for your needs.


·         Diverse range of offerings and packages;

·         Secure private network;


·         Complex website interface;

·         Expensive prices;

·         No refund policy;


Features & Advantages



Available Locations


+20 Location

15 Location

24/7 Support


It has this feature


It has this feature


Root Access


It has this feature


It has this feature


Payment Methods


Credit Cards




American Express






American Express









5.      NameCheap Linux VPS

NameCheap Linux VPS

It is one of the best linux vps, and best cheap linux vps. The drawback with NameCheap lies in its diverse array of hosting options, primarily focusing on domain names. This may not cater well to Linux users seeking VPS for non-web hosting needs. Additionally, their extensive product range might imply that their virtual servers lack the robustness found in dedicated VPS providers.


·         Full root access


·         Extra charge for web control panels;

·         Restricted options in pricing and plans;

·         Lack of clarity regarding server locations;

Features & Advantages



Available Locations


+20 Location

Not mentioned


24/7 Support


It has this feature


It has this feature


Root Access


It has this feature


It has this feature


Payment Methods


Credit Cards




American Express







American Express





6.      Liquid Web Linux VPS

Liquid Web is the best vps hosting, best vps for developers, low cost linux vps and presents four Linux-based VPS hosting packages, priced from $45 to $1258 monthly, which may not fit every budget. Similar to 1Gbits, Liquid Web boasts round-the-clock customer support to swiftly address any concerns. However, despite these benefits, their server availability is limited to just three locations - Lansing, Phoenix, and Amsterdam, potentially posing inconvenience for certain users. Additionally, their supported payment methods are also somewhat restricted.


·         24/7 support;

·         Instant setup


·         Restricted server locations;

·         3 Linux distros only;

·         No money-back guarantee

Features & Advantages


Liquid Web

Available Locations


+20 Location


24/7 Support


It has this feature


It has this feature


Root Access


It has this feature


It has this feature


Payment Methods


Credit Cards




American Express







American Express



The best Linux distributions for VPS hosting

Choosing the right Linux operating system (OS) for your VPS. Several excellent options cater to different business needs. In this blog post, we'll explore some of the most popular and user-friendly options for business VPS environments, each offering unique advantages. You can decide based on your specific requirements by understanding their features and potential use cases.

1.      Ubuntu Linux distributions

It is the best Linux operating system. Take the plunge into the world of Linux with Ubuntu, the most popular Linux distribution boasting a user-friendly graphical interface (GUI). Building upon the stable foundation of Debian, Ubuntu offers smooth installation and extensive commercial support, making it a perfect choice for beginners. Its intuitive interface and vast online resources make navigating the world of Linux easier than ever, allowing you to explore its potential and customize your experience with ease.

2.      Debian Linux distributions

Debian,  is one of the best linux distro for vps, and a reliable and cost-free operating system, is renowned for its stability and open-source nature. Its unified packaging system streamlines installation and management, making it a versatile choice for various sectors. Whether you're in education, business, non-profit, or government, Debian offers a robust foundation for your needs.

3.      CentOS Linux distributions

Once a popular choice, CentOS reached its end-of-life (EOL) recently, leaving many users searching for new homes for their VPS. Fortunately, several compatible alternatives have emerged, like  AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux, which offer similar stability, open-source nature, and community support.

Two prominent contenders are AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux. Both provide seamless transitions for users accustomed to the CentOS environment. This means you can migrate your existing VPS and enjoy the benefits of a reliable and community-driven platform.

4.      OpenSUSE Linux distributions

It is a cheap vps linux. Think of OpenSUSE as the community-driven counterpart to the enterprise-focused SUSE Linux. Just like Red Hat's RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux), OpenSUSE offers a robust, free operating system tailored for various user groups. This community-supported platform empowers users to contribute and collaborate on its development, fostering a vibrant ecosystem.

5.       Fedora Linux distributions

While not typically recommended for VPS due to its focus on rapid releases and new features, Fedora has a vibrant community that plays a vital role in its development. This community-driven approach fosters innovation and experimentation, making Fedora ideal for those seeking a taste of the latest and greatest Linux advancements.

6.      Rocky Linux distributions

Looking for a reliable and robust Linux distribution for your VPS? Look no further than Rocky Linux, the official successor to CentOS. Built upon the solid foundation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), Rocky Linux offers the stability and security sought after in enterprise environments. Additionally, its High-Performance Computing (HPC) capabilities make it suitable for even the most demanding workloads.

7.      Alma Linux distributions

It is the best linux server distro. Building upon the legacy of CentOS, AlmaLinux emerges as another strong contender for your VPS needs. This community-driven distribution offers a stable and secure environment, making it a popular choice for hosting providers and data centers. Similar to Rocky Linux, AlmaLinux provides a seamless transition for users migrating from CentOS, ensuring continuity and reliable performance.

Ready to unleash the power of Linux on your VPS? At 1Gbits, we don't limit your options. We offer a massive selection of pre-installed Linux distributions on our VPS plans. This includes all the options you've seen and many more, allowing you to find the perfect fit for your needs. There is no need for complex installations or configuration; simply choose your ideal Linux distribution and get started building your online presence with ease.


How To Install Linux distributions?

Are you looking to explore the world of Linux distributions? The Microsoft Store now offers several popular options, including Ubuntu, Kali Linux, Debian, and openSUSE. Here's how to get started:

  1. Head over to the Microsoft Store.

  2. Click the search bar and type "Linux". Hit Enter to initiate the search.

  3. Browse through the available distributions. You'll find options like Ubuntu, Kali Linux, Debian, and openSUSE.

  4. Click on the specific distribution you'd like to install.

  5. Click the "Download" button. The installation process will begin.

  6. Once the download is complete, you can launch your chosen Linux distribution.


Best Linux VPS: To Sum Up

Navigating the landscape of top Linux VPS providers and selecting the optimal plan for your business can be daunting. This blog post has introduced some of the leading VPS hosting companies, providing valuable insights into their various offerings. At 1Gbits, we take pride in delivering Linux VPS solutions tailored to your requirements. Explore our budget-friendly, high-performance Linux VPS plans today. Should you have any inquiries, don't hesitate to reach out to us; our team is always eager to assist!

In the market for powerful and customizable hosting? Look no further than the best Linux VPS options, offering full control and scalability for your projects – please see buy VPS hosting page


What are the differences between VPS and shared hosting?

VPS offers a dedicated account and resources on a server shared with other VPS owners, ensuring privacy and robust security measures that shield you from neighboring virtual server activities. In contrast, shared hosting provides an account and resources shared among multiple users, posing the risk of other users' activities impacting your own. This includes potential data vulnerability in case of malicious actions and resource depletion due to other users overusing resources.

What is a VPS used for?

A VPS serves many purposes, including website hosting, application development and testing, Forex trading, game server hosting, and more.

What is the best Linux distro for VPS hosting?

Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, OpenSUSE, and Fedora are top Linux distributions for VPS hosting.

Which Linux OS is best for website hosting?

Selecting the ideal Linux distribution for web hosting hinges on individual preferences, requirements, and the functionalities provided by the operating system. Among the widely favored choices for website hosting are Ubuntu, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, and OpenSUSE—all conveniently accessible through 1Gbits.

Is a Linux VPS server hosting faster than shared hosting?

A Linux VPS server hosting plan typically offers faster performance than a shared hosting plan. This is primarily due to users not having to contend with queuing up alongside visitors from other sites to gain access.

Is VPS more secure than shared hosting?

With shared hosting, you're essentially sharing server space with other users. Conversely, VPS hosting provides a much more stable and secure environment.

What is VPS server in Linux?

A VPS server in Linux, short for Virtual Private Server, is a virtualized server environment created through software on a physical server. It acts as an independent server with its own dedicated resources like CPU, RAM, storage, and operating system. Users can access and manage their VPS server as if it were a physical server, but at a lower cost. Linux VPS servers are particularly popular due to Linux's stability, security, and open-source nature. They offer flexibility and scalability, allowing users to easily upgrade or downgrade resources based on their needs. With root access, users have full control over the server, enabling them to install and configure software, manage security settings, and more. Overall, a Linux VPS server provides a reliable and cost-effective hosting solution for various applications and websites.

Which Linux server is best?

The best Linux server depends on your specific needs and preferences. However, for many users, the best Linux server for hosting is CentOS or Ubuntu. Both distributions are known for their stability, security, and long-term support. CentOS is a popular choice for its focus on stability and security, making it ideal for production environments. On the other hand, Ubuntu is known for its ease of use and large community support, making it a great choice for beginners and those looking for a more user-friendly experience. When choosing the best Linux server for your needs, consider factors such as the purpose of the server, your level of experience, and the support and resources available for the distribution. Ultimately, the best Linux server is one that meets your specific requirements and allows you to achieve your goals effectively.

Who is the best VPS provider?

Determining the best VPS provider depends on various factors such as performance, reliability, customer support, and pricing. the best Linux VPS provider for you will depend on your specific needs and budget. Consider factors like server location, available features, customer support, and overall reputation when making your decision.