In this post, we will go through the best blogging platform you can use and the benefits of choosing a blogging platform. For decades, blogging has become a part of every business and has helped them in many ways. Irrespective of the business size, it allows people to promote their brand through content marketing and making an excellent online presence.

With good content and the right animation and strategies, you can make many customers dedicated to your brand. The time has changed, and we have moved from paper and television advertisements to an online platform. Digitization has a significant impact on the market and can decide what goes up and down.

It depends on how you present yourself and your brand on online media to influence people. Blogging has emerged as a platform where you can show how your brand and product will change lives. Suppose your business wants to attract massive traffic and attract new customers. In that case, you have to benefit from using a blogging platform to connect with potential customers and create an image in the market. 

You can find various blogging platform options and can use any of them as per your business requirements. It does not stop after you choose a blogging platform. Being proactive in making changes to your website continuously and consistently is a major factor to keep you going in the competitive market. Once you get to know the benefits of blogging, you will choose one for your business. 

Blogging is an inexpensive way to create your online business presence, driving massive traffic to attract more public. Today, more than 80 percent of business uses the blogging platform as their marketing strategy to stay one step ahead of their competitors. There is no doubt that opting for the right platform can be crucial and an essential task for your business.

Benefits of Blogging Platform

A blogging platform is an online space where you can manage and publish content about your product. Best free blogging platforms come with additional features and benefits. You can choose any of the available platforms that suit well to your business’s changing needs and fits your budget. Before moving towards how you should select your platform, we will discuss its benefits.

Increases Business Traffic

Blogging helps you drive insane traffic to your website and create a business presence for your brand. Whenever you add new content to your website, it will increase the chance of popping up your website name in search engines.

Your website will get recognized on social media and attract more customers to know more about your product. You can also work on various strategies to catch the customer’s attention, like animations, a chat portal, and various engaging features.

Improves Relationship with Customers

A progressive and active engagement of customers is one of the significant elements of any business. It reflects how your business is doing and how popular your brand is. Blog sites work as a platform to interact with your customers or visitors to enlighten them about the product or solve their queries.

You can encourage this practice by including various chat channels like live chat, emails, text messages, etc. Blogging, make sure that you are connected to your customer 24x7. You can also have a comment section where you can get various suggestions for your website to improve the content and its quality.

Helps in Setting Long-Term Goals

If you are a startup or a new business in the market and want to get recognized among competitors, a free blog platform will help you achieve this and set up long-term business goals. This is only possible if you plan and strategize from the start of your business and know what you want to achieve, then and in the coming years.

You have to manage great content throughout to be in the eyes of customers. Having a good strategy will help in achieving long-term goals. The blogging platform provides you with different features to add from time to time to be different from your previous versions. 

Helps in Building Trust

Trust is the basis for any business’s reputation. You have to maintain trust within the market to have practical, effective, and quick communication. Adding valuable content to the website will add value that is appreciated and recognized by the readers.

You cannot win trust in a day; it requires a proactive and consistent approach to stay ahead of everyone and explain how your brand is different from others. An efficient free blogging website with a valuable content flow will be a critical step to your success.

Low-Cost Web Presence

Starting and creating your business image online can be a struggle when it comes to spending money on a well-designed website and other related expenses. Blogging offers you the opportunity to create an inexpensive web presence and make it enticing for small businesses.

The benefits of a good blogging platform do not end here. But the next step is how you can decide which blogging platform is good enough for your business. Many factors make your choice and how it will impact your business moving forward to success.

How to Choose the Best Blogging Platform

Below are some factors that may affect choosing the right blogging platform. It should benefit the business as well as customers. 

  • Mobile-Friendly: as we have moved to the digitization and everything has gone online, people are relying more on the internet for new brands and products and getting new information. As mobile phones offer portability it has become easy to stay connected to the internet almost every time. So businesses are focusing on expanding their website with a mobile-friendly feature, so as not to miss a chance to remain at the top. Your blogging platform should be capable of running a free blog site for mobile users efficiently.
  • Works on the Latest Technology: with time, there has been advancement in tools and technology that efficiently drive websites. Your blogging platform should be compatible with the latest technology to keep your website alive with the changing needs and customer demands. 
  • User-Friendly Dashboard: your blogging platform should be easy to understand and manage by users. It should provide you with easy navigation throughout your web pages to create excellent user interaction. Having a good flow of knowledge helps the customers to engage consistently. 
  • Rich Plugins and Features: your blogging platform should offer you all required plugins for various functions to include within your website. Having plugins access can help in improving your website quality to much extent. The blogging platform should allow you to install as many plugins without any limits or any restriction. Plugins should be open-source, so you do not have to pay for them.
  • Should not Require Technical Knowledge: your blogging platform should be available for everyone, including technical and non-technical bloggers. The blogging platform should provide you with easy-going options, so you do not have to code too much. Nowadays, a blogging platform comes with in-built structures and templates that allow you to install and activate them within your website. The look and feel can be customized later with various font, colour, design, and content options.

Best Blogging Platforms

Below is a list of a few platforms that you can consider implementing for your best blog site.

Blogging Platform





  • Complete control of your blog.
  • Easy customization.
  • Search-engine friendly.
  • Steep learning curve.
  • Security issues.

You may end up spending on web hosting, themes, domain registration, and plugins.


  • Easy setup and free to use.
  • Easy customization.
  • Limited features.
  • Cannot monetize the blog.

Free to use, but need to provide bank details to get started.


  • You can use it for free with a Google account.
  • Great for beginners.
  • Limited design option.
  • Cannot add new features.

It is entirely free with a Google account.


  • Unlimited features.
  • Easy to use and customize.
  • Free premium plans.
  • Disruptive ads.
  • Cannot modify design templates.

You might end up spending on hosting, E-commerce, themes, and customer support.


  • Fast due to CDN.
  • Easy social sharing with plugins.
  • Friendly user-interface.
  • Comes with an SSL certificate.
  • Expensive for beginners.
  • Paid hosting.
  • Limited themes.
  • Need technical knowledge.

It comes with a 14 days trial, and you have to pay for it later.


You can find the best blogging platform that comes with all the required plugins and features. Having the right platform can help in enhancing the quality and customer interaction. While selecting a platform, you should understand the need for flexibility as you have to make constant changes to keep your website updated and packed with the latest information. So choose wisely and make sure the platform will suit your business requirement in the long term.